Financing Your First Business

Financing Your First Business

Consequences Of Skipping Bail For Defendant And Bond Co-Signers

Jimmie Holland

For many facing legal charges, bail bonds offer a vital pathway to secure temporary freedom before a court appearance. This opportunity, however, comes with serious responsibilities not just for the defendant, but also for those who co-sign the bail bond. Understanding the implications of skipping bail is essential to avoid unwelcome consequences.

Immediate Issuance of a Warrant

When a defendant fails to appear in court, the judge will issue a bench warrant for their arrest. This means that the defendant becomes a fugitive, and law enforcement will actively seek to apprehend them. This new arrest warrant remains in effect indefinitely and can lead to an arrest at any time — be it during a routine traffic stop, at home, or even at work.

Financial Repercussions for the Defendant

The court sets bail as a financial assurance that the defendant will return to face the charges. Skipping bail often means forfeiting this amount. For those who used a bail bond service, this could imply they're now indebted to the bail bond agent for the full amount of the bond, which can be thousands of dollars.

Consequences for Bail Bond Co-Signers

When a friend or family member co-signs a bail bond, they are essentially vouching for the defendant and assuming financial responsibility. If the defendant skips bail:

  1. Financial Liability: The co-signer becomes liable for the full bail amount. This can be a substantial financial burden, potentially leading to debt or the loss of assets put up as collateral.

  2. Loss of Collateral: Often, valuable items like cars or homes are used as collateral when securing a bail bond. If the defendant doesn't appear in court, these assets might be sold to cover the bond amount.

  3. Additional Costs: Beyond the bail amount, co-signers might also be responsible for additional fees, like those for bounty hunters hired to locate the defendant.

A Permanent Mark on the Record

For the defendant, skipping bail doesn't just lead to immediate legal and financial consequences. It also results in a permanent mark on their criminal record, complicating any future legal proceedings or background checks for employment.

Reestablishing Trust

Bail bond agents play a crucial role in helping defendants secure release from custody. However, when someone skips bail, it erodes the trust between the bail bond industry and the community. This can lead to stricter conditions or higher fees for future defendants seeking their services.

While the allure of evading court might seem tempting, the risks and consequences of skipping bail far outweigh the temporary relief. Both defendants and co-signers should be acutely aware of their responsibilities to avoid severe repercussions. It's not just about abiding by the law; it's about honoring the trust placed in you by family, friends, and professionals in the bail bond industry.

Contact a local company to learn more about bail bonds.


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Financing Your First Business

Do you want to become an entrepreneur in 2017? If you desperately desire to start a first business this year, you likely need to raise some funds. To help you accomplish this feat, think about scheduling a meeting with an experienced financial advisor. This individual can provide you with a wealth of fundraising ideas. For instance, you might want to take out a small business loan. You may also wish to sell shares of your company to the general public. On this blog, I hope you will discover ingenious, effective tips to help you finance your first business venture. Enjoy!
